Pilgrim Challenge 2026 is now open for booking!

In February 2015 I am taking part in a 300 mile non stop, self supported ultra running event called the Yukon Arctic Ultra. It takes place in the Yukon Territory of Canada, inside the Arctic Circle. Each day temperatures vary from -15 degrees C to -45 degrees C. The competitors run / walk pulling a sledge, called a pulk, with all the equipment and suppliers required for surviving the race.

Yukon Arctic UltraIt is by far my biggest challenge yet. The finish rate is very low due to hypothermia, frostbite or just plain fatigue.

I am expecting it to take me between 6 – 8 days to complete, with around 12 – 18 hours sleep during this time.

I didn’t want to take on this massive challenge without making it mean something, not just for me but for someone else. Therefore I decided to target raising money through Humanity Direct for a special young girl in Uganda.

Her name is Grace and here is a little bit of information about her.

Yukon Arctic UltraGrace is five years old and lives in Kawungera, a rural village in Uganda. Grace is a bright girl who loves going to school and is particularly good at drawing. When Grace isn’t at school she likes to play hide and seek with her sister in the banana trees and helping her mother cook. Grace was born without ears leaving her with very limited hearing. There is no special needs teacher at Grace’s school and without help Grace will fall behind and not get the education she needs.  Doctors have said that Grace needs two operations, one to build the pinna for the hearing aids to hang off, and one to make the ear canal and improve the area near the ear drum. If Grace receives both operations and hearing aids she will be able to hear perfectly enabling her to return to school and get the same education as her classmates and the chance of a brighter future.

Grace needs around £3000 for the operation. My target is to raise £5000 to pay for these operations and allow funding for another operation for someone else as required. If I can raise more than this, that would be fantastic as it would mean helping even more people.

Fundraising Options:

Individual Sponsorship

If you would like to support me in this fundraising challenge, please follow the attached link to my fundraising page - http://humanitydirect.org/fdrp/46/ – your support is hugely appreciated.

Corporate Sponsorship

In previous fundraising challenges I have made the corporate sponsorship offer, which has been very successful for all parties.

For £1000 corporate sponsorship, I will offer the following:

  • A keynote speech at a business meeting – kick off, sales meeting etc. about my journey through the Arctic and how to link those experiences to everyday personal or business life. I am a professional motivational speaker (member of the Professional Speakers Association and Toastmasters). The link to my speaking page on our website is http://www.xnrg.co.uk/corporate/motivational-speaking.aspx
  • I will promote your business at all my speeches, and in all press and blog coverage, as well as wearing any logos during the event.

If you would like to take me up on this offer, please call me on 07801244628 or email me neil@xnrg.co.uk.

Thank you for all your support – and thanks from Grace.

All the best……………. Neil Thubron

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