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The shortest day of the year is just around the corner. Good news for festive fans, but bad news for runners? Here's Susie Chan on how to get through those cold, dark runs...

It can be a little bit harder to get out when it's cold and dark outside, but here are XNRG's tips to take you through the winter:


Head torches and high vis are key bits of kit. Buying a good head torch is a sound investment. Check lumen and comfort. My personal favourite is a Bandicoot - it's rechargeable and extremely comfortable on the head. High vis will do the job in keeping you safe on the dark streets. There are lots of reflective run clothes out there, or even just some reflective cycling arm bands will help.


It's freezing when you set out, but you'll warm up in a mile. Layering is a great way to make sure you keep that core at the right temperature. If you're heading out on a longer run, make sure you have something waterproof - if rain strikes, you'll want to stay warm. Breathable hats are also a winter essential.


Run with people. You'll be less likely to bail on a run if you have  arranged to meet someone. The miles will pass quicker, and there is safety in numbers if you are out on a night time trail run.


If it's dark, only run routes you know. It might not be the best time to try and discoverer a new trail! Let people know where you are if you are solo running, and give them an estimated return time. It's always a good idea to have your phone. If anything, it can be an emergency extra torch!

Got your 2020 goals planned? Take a look at next year's XNRG events and get inspired...


Susie Chan is a serial ultra competitor, including three times elite finishing at the Marathon Des Sables. As well as being evangelical about running, she's also one of XNRG's fantastic ultra-running coaches >

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