Pilgrim Challenge 2026 is now open for booking!

All 2025 events now open for booking!

This is was what I was asked last night; ‘why on earth would I want to run one ultra, let alone two ultras back to back’?! This was also a question I repeatedly did ask myself during the event last weekend and one I am not sure I can properly answer if I am honest, but I’ll try!  So why did I enter an event that involved running, crawling, walking 66 miles over two days along the North Downs Way in winter!?   There were a number of reasons for entering; because it was there, to see if I could still do it, the feed stations would be really good, the event had fabulous reviews, not an area of the country I have explored much, I was unlikely to get sunburnt in February, my pace would be irrelevant, I have always wanted to sleep in a school hall with 200 other people and just why not! 

Read it in full here

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